
一野设计|上海怡东花园 | 200㎡ | 老洋房,与艺术的共存共生

优居视界 2021-08-06 16:29:24 阅读量7017

关  于  空  间  的  设  计

 O N   T H E   D E S I G N   O F   S P A C E 



The residence is located in Shanghai, where the land is rich in gold. This is the renovation of an old bungalow with a long history. The young LARRY couple love simple and quiet design and are keen to integrate artistic sense into the space. The designer discarded the heavy colors of the original Shanghai style, restored the authenticity and warmth of life, and brought new thinking to the old huse.



The first floor is the main daily living space, and the second floor is the main bedroom for rest space. The concise functional partitions also make the public space and private space in the house an excellent division.


The biggest challenge for the whole design is how to control the load-bearing structure of the space. The designer hopes to ensure the proper ratio between the living room and the dining room, while making good use of the load-bearing structure that cannot be removed. This is a legacy of the old house. Great challenge coming down.


In the end, the designer conforms to the disadvantages of the space and shapes the space through different cutting methods.


The special-shaped staircase in the atrium connects the upper and lower spaces. Using the combination of wood and steel, through the interlacing of space, the staircase is designed as an interactive indoor combination. Light and shadow can enter from different angles, adding luster to this modern residence.


The living room is sunny and full of greenery, and every ray of time has its own joy. As a result, the large floor-to-ceiling windows allow natural light to enter the interior. From the linear structure to the block surface expression, the line and surface switch make the space finally light and poetic.



The light radiating from a full moon presents gentleness and quality, making the space full of agility. Whether it is a transparent and expansive day or a poetic and quiet night, different light, shadow and color atmosphere give the space a diverse and transformative character.


The bedroom space adopts minimalist style furniture, simple lines and light space design, highlighting the unique beauty of modern style, giving people a simple and comfortable home enjoyment. The right balance, humane expression, natural and full of artistic temperament.

Project Name | 项目名称


Location | 项目地址

上海市 浦东新区

Area | 项目面积


Design Company | 设计公司


Rendering performance | 效果图表现


Start time |开始时间


Completion Time| 完工时间


Photography | 摄影


所获荣誉 Honor

















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➤十间坊&芒果奖 中国实景设计大赛 最佳居住空间奖



责任编辑:苏州站 来源:优居视界