
专访升家用电梯(上海)有限公司亚太财务总监Christoph Buchbender先生:升级品牌,提升综合实力

优居视界 2021-11-05 09:35:41 阅读量4192

11月2日至5日,蒂升家用电梯英雄大会暨设计师论坛在三亚隆重启幕,来自全国各地的工作精英和设计大咖齐聚一堂。蒂升家用电梯(上海)有限公司亚太财务总监Christoph Buchbender先生莅临活动现场,并接受了腾讯家居的采访。


As I know, the ThyssenKrupp Elevator becomes an independent Elevator company and changed the Logo from thyssenkrupp into TKE in 2021 . Could you please kindly tell us something about how could the TK Elevator’s financial systems/polices support the China Home Elevator Business?



First of all it’s good for us to be a stand-alone company and to have the chance to react faster to market changes. We have the opportunity to work more as entrepreneurs what we couldn’t have done that much before.

Secondly, we can reinvest our earnings completely into our own business. In China we will invest into products, quality and design for our customers.

We strive for value creation. Value for money for our customers and of course for the future of our company.


What do you think about the Chinese home elevator market trends in the future?




Our product is for private customers in their home. A home is an emotional place where you come after work and you want to enjoy comfort and relaxation.

We see that in China more and more people want to decorate their homes to have a beautiful environment in their house.

For us it’s so important to meet the high expectation of our customers and we clearly meet those expectations in terms of reliable quality, advanced technology and beautiful design.


2022 is coming , what's your expectations in 2022, can you share with us?



We had a wonderful year 2021 with record in sales and performance.

In 2022 we want to continue our journey of profitable growth. We improve our processes, products and look into all areas to make our business even better in the new year.

责任编辑:苏州站 来源:优居视界