
【ICC总经理12周年寄语】同一个团队,同一个梦想 ONE TEAM ONE DREAM

优居视界 2022-11-19 15:01:32 阅读量31063



“Your life will only change when you become more committed to your dreams

than you are to your comfort zone”



——Humberto Valles


  I know how incredibly difficult the situation in the market is now, how easy it would be to give up on your goals and take an easier or simpler path. Personally, I have ever ceased to pursue the dream of making our Brand the best in the market. I have always been an optimistic person and extremely confident that we can accomplish this dream, and even more when times are this challenging. But there is another thing for certain: We need to do it together and as a team!


  Recently, I made a trip to USA, Mexico and Europe (Spain and Italy) to attend CERSAIE 2022. Few things generate more experiences, memories, ideas and inspiration than travelling. This time and this trip specifically had an incredibly significant meaning because we, for almost 3 years have not had the chance to travel and attend the most important ceramic exhibition in the world and so many other places where you could get inspired.



  ICC has played a particularly important and meaningful role in the Chinese ceramic industry. Through its innovation and unique market approach has been helping to lead and transform the way ceramic tile is sold in China. We understand very well the importance of being this agent of change for the industry and the responsibilities that come along with this and to always keep our brand unique, relevant, attractive, different, and leading the way.


  That has been our mission for the past twelve years. During this time, we have left behind historically relevant things we have done in this ceramic market that will be always remembered and used as positive examples, like the first official comprehensive CERSAIE Trends Report we made in 2015 that later became a standard to the entire industry. Another example is the Boutique ICC Gallery Store we opened in 2016 at China Ceramic City that help transform and upgrade the entire industry regarding the market showrooms by the different brands.


  A showroom that with the products it displayed in it helped define the term modern rustic style and in a big way started the transformation and upgrade of the showrooms of the different Chinese brands in the domestic ceramic market.


  This time, with this trip we made to CERSAIE, I knew very well our goal and the importance of it. Very few Asian and almost no Chinese visitors were present at the show for the exception of a selective few that had booths but no time to see the exhibition. Me, Seba and the rest of Interceramic group were a team with a mission, took thousands of pictures, videos and held meetings with people of the industry, went to design studios and worked non- stop to make the best benchmark, assessment and summary report to help our brand, our people and distributors to understand, learn and keep that competitive advantage that comes with attending this event and making this report.



  We have been doing this for the past 20 years but this time we did it better than ever before, and when I was on my way back to China I just kept thinking how happy, motivated, emotionally optimistic I was with the things that I saw, learned and that eventually we will do for our brand to keep ICC ahead, relevant, different, unique and keep leading the market in innovation and design. These things are now even more relevant than ever before because of the market challenging status and are exceptionally important.

  接下来的12月和新一年,您将在看到我们首度亮相的标杆成果:国际瓷砖趋势报告、在中国陶瓷城新落成的ICC Design Club和被遗憾地推迟到2023年初的广州设计周上的展位,以及其他一些关于产品创新设计、展厅和新营销理念的惊喜。

  In this coming month of December and in early 2023, you will see for the first time the some of the things we have worked on and the results of our benchmark. The Report of the International Ceramic Trends, our new ICC Design Club at CCC and later our booth at Guangzhou Design Week that unfortunately was delayed to early 2023 also a few other surprises we prepared for you all in regard to innovation in product design, showrooms and new marketing concepts.


  I just can't wait to unveil these things to you, so we as a team keep moving with confidence towards the future!


  Humberto Valles

  ICC General Manager


全球招商热线:  +86 0757 82786151


责任编辑:瓷砖2 来源:优居视界