
CROX闊合新作 |「多少」生活大師

优居视界 2023-10-08 17:46:12



Located in the Foshan Life Master Collection, How Much Lecong Furniture Store continues How Much's brand philosophy of "Puddle is surplus, shabby is new, less is gain, more is confusing", hoping that this time, with a tiny and little space, we can cover the most diversified life styles by removing the complexity of simplicity, and using the "stacked and unpacked" as the inspiration to provide a space for people to gather, display, relax and communicate together. Crowe is inspired by the idea of "overlapping boxes" to provide a space for people to gather, display, relax and communicate with each other.




开阖︱Openness and inclusion



At the beginning of the design, the box is opened with a happy and comfortable mind, and the spirit of the vessel is put into one piece of different "how many" artefacts, and the different needs of the scale of the trade-offs, to complete the portrayal of the future of the home. The final spatial layout is based on misplaced scenery, couplets and other techniques to create differences between individual areas, multi-level to express the life of less is more.




屈伸︱Flexion and extension



The scale wanders back and forth between depth and breadth, where people go up and down, forward and backward, seemingly inside and outside, between the ability to bend and stretch, unfolding like a long scroll-like narrative of the tour, people follow the doorway of the hut, cut into the interior and then follow the winding paths formed by different spaces, freely travelling through the large and small independent scenes, the houses are independent of each other, and the space is unified and connected to each other, as if life is a combination of karma and interactions between each other to form a single body.




松紧︱Loosening and tightening



From the exploration of contemporary Chinese life in the accidental, so that the mood of the space to form a kind of can open and close, changing the flow of the body, breaking free of the previous walls, roofs, the ground to intermittent cuts to break the integrity of the wooden cube, in the gaps implantation of plants, the introduction of light sources, to create different scales of scenery, but also the natural penetration of the natural existence of a loose or tight nature.




Leisurely travelling to feel the freedom between the fragments here and there, is a continuation of the traditional life of writing, to do nothing for the freedom, is to create more or less of the beauty of contemporary naivety, life is a master, create nothing, to use.















Project Information

Project Name: "How Much" Life Master

Designed by: Wo Hop Crox

Design Leader: Lin Congran

Design Team: Xu Chenxiang, Peng Rui, Zhu Yihan, Zheng Qingwen

Surface Area: 450 square metres

Building Material: Clear glass tiles, clear concrete, walnut wood, textured paint, black aluminium cube, etc.

Location: Foshan

Photography: Hu Wenjie






RIBA 英国皇家特许注册建筑师

米兰Domus Academy建筑与都市设计硕士


林琮然,CROX闊合创始人&设计总监,RIBA 英国皇家特许注册建筑师,毕业于意大利米兰著名设计学院Domus Academy。擅长跨界设计,作品跨足城市规划、建筑、室内 、家具,策展和艺术品创作。他“前卫自然”的设计风格和人文情怀,不断的实践了想象的无形和有机,将设计的艺术性和功能性完美结合,为生活创新。


自创办闊合以来,先后获得WAF世界建筑节、AMP美国建筑师大奖, 英国LICC, 法国DNA, 意大利A' Design Award, 日本JCD,韩国K-Design等国际知名大奖。于2016年建筑艺术和学术界最具影响力的意大利米兰三年展和威尼斯双年展,平行展區策展人。




CROX阔合由建筑师林琮然自2008年创办以来,先后获得WAF世界建筑节、世界室内新闻奖金奖等国际知名大奖,擅长跨界设计,作品跨足城市规划、建筑、室内 、家具,策展和艺术品创作。我们秉承“前卫自然”的设计风格和人文情怀,不断的实践了想象的无形和有机,将设计的艺术性和功能性完美结合,为生活创新。于2016年成为建筑艺术和学术界最具影响力的意大利米兰三年展和威尼斯双年展,分區展策展人。近年竣工的溧阳博物馆,成都经开小白楼等,广受如Domus、ArchDaily、Wallpaper*、designboom等世界各大建筑设计媒体的好评。


Since CROX was founded by C.R. Lin in 2008, we have won multiple awards, including World Architecture Festival, Andrew Martin International Interior Design Award and IDA Design Awards etc.. In 2016, we were entitled as the curator of Milan Triennial Exhibition and Venice Biennial Exhibition, this was an innovative and academic approach in Architecture Art. We specialize in crossover design, projects contain masterplanning, architecture, interior, furniture design, extending to exhibition curator and art work creation. In CROX we believe design expands from the artistic feeling towards the conversation between humanism and nature. We bringing the intangible and organic imagination to achieve new life experiences. Our recently completed project Liyang Museum and Chengdu Jingkai White Building have been widely spread by all the world-famous design media, such as Domus, ArchDaily, Wallpaper* and designboom etc..

责任编辑:灵感设计 来源:优居视界