

优居视界 2023-11-27 10:25:02






Sayeah, always a worthy destination for you!




The stars in the sky is the guiding light, and home is the happiest place to return to. Like an eternal memory flowing slowly in the river of time, each traditional old house in Chaoshan area carries the stories and precious memories of generations past.




Fate and Old House

Every time I passedit, I couldnt help but stop to take a closer look. It stands there so quietly, yet it seems as if its telling the passers-by about the moments of meeting in life. It was not until a chance encounter with that old house that my fate became intertwined with its. Given a chance by fate to be reinvigorated and appreciated, its ready to open its door and let us modern people feel its unique charm and rich history.



I talked to my friends about using this old house to receive guests and provide Chaoshan cuisine, so that tourists can taste Chaoshan cuisine while also experiencing the flavor of old times. It is believed that it will convey emotions and memories, continue people's spiritual sustenance, and become an eternal existence.




Rebirth and Inheritance


Due to long-term uninhabited state, the old house has experienced severe aging, cracking of walls, deformation of doors and windows, etc. Therefore, it has been decided to renovate it, not changing the original framework pattern while retaining the architectural characteristics of the old house. After careful consideration, it has been confirmed to readjust the plane layout based on actual functions. In this process, the bricks and tiles, wooden doors, and windows with a sense of time have been preserved. As a precious part of the old house, although they have gone through the trials and tribulations of time, they look more enduring and charming. During the renovation process, my real intention was to integrate the nostalgic feelings deep inside the heart into the old house.


Mud pestled wall has existed since ancient times, but Chaoshan Mud pestled wall is unique in material. Chaoshan is close to the sea and is rich in shellfish, and the local people love eating shellfish. The ancestors collected seashells and made them into "shell lime" with a bonding force close to cement and functions similar to lime through burning, fermentation, and grinding. A very solid shell lime wall can be constructed by mixing shell lime, river sand and raw soil, and adding some glutinous rice flour water to stir. This wall renovation also adopted the most primitive "shell lime" method: constructed using traditional formula and technique, restoring an old house renovation approach.



Nowadays, it is probably difficult to see sections of bluestone roads in the old alleys, replaced by spacious cement roads. I still remember the time when I played games barefoot in the alley with the neighborhood kids all day in my childhood, and the sound of marbles falling on the bluestone. Now the sound and the feeling of walking barefoot on the bluestone will be restored. Looking at the old moss marks on stone steps left over time, all kinds of feelings well up in my heart.




The roof supported by stone pillars makes it like a new pavilion in an old house. Under the reflection of light, silver-coated roof becomes a new element of this old house, which is a combination of tradition and modernity. Standing next to it in the afternoon, feeling the light passing through the gaps between the old walls, it seems to be able to silently feel the flow of time, moving from the past to the future.




The contrast between the stone pillars and the old wall highlights this power vividly. The Philodendron chinense Schneid next to them for many years is deeply rooted in the land, forming a natural scene with them. They seem to "naturally" inject new energy into this old house, and this harmonious intersection creates the inner spirit of vitality for the space.  


There is light and shade, light but not dazzling, shade but not dull, which create the time. Under the flow of light and cover of shade, the mottled wall reflects the old and rustic texture of sunlight, and the light and shade gradually settles in the gaps of time. The past reflects a palpitating halo in ancient memories, expressing the beauty of time through "traces".




Time is always quiet, and the afternoon sunlight happens to seep in little by little from the gray corrugated eaves, forming a faint yellow light that projects onto the old gray brick floor, soft and warm, making people feel the brevity and helplessness of time in a daze, as if years have spread over these eaves and corrugated walls without leaving any traces. There are dust floating in the light with an earthy fragrance, lazily and leisurely floating in the old house to count past events and growth rings, leisurely and serene.


The sunset glow in the late February rises from around the alley. There are sound, wind and walking people, but it feels that everything is quiet, and only the dusk continues to render. When dusk falls, people either miss home or are on their way home. The nostalgic feelings of living in old houses are not only the relationship between people and buildings, but also the emotions generated by mutual influence and integration between people, buildings, and the environment.





The old house is a treasure left by time, and food is a gift provided by the land. They make people feel important values in life, such as memories, emotions, and cultural inheritance. Just as the story in the old house continues, time will continue to pass, and the cooking smoke and steam will be passed down from generation to generation like a family inheritance.


参赛作品: 星也
空间类型:2023第七届金腾奖年度餐饮空间 · 大奖









今古凤凰团队设计了多项优秀作品,荣获100多项国际知名奖项:德国 Red Dot 红点奖大奖、德国IF设计奖、 德国ICONIC AWARDS标志性设计奖至尊奖BEST OF BEST、日本GOOD DESIGN、美国BEST OF YEAR室内设计年度最佳设计奖、美国IIDA全球卓越设计大奖金奖、美国建筑大师(AMP)奖大奖、美国IDA国际设计大奖银奖、香港APIDA亚太设计大奖铜奖、台湾TID室内设计大奖、台湾TINTA金邸奖金奖、意大利A Design 金奖、艾鼎奖金奖等,同时受到Dezeen、ArchDaily、INTERIORS、AD、InteriorZine、环球设计、印际、gooood谷德网、DINZ德国室内设计网、设计腕儿、家居廊、现代装饰、一起设计等全球知名媒体发布。创始人叶晖被香港Perspective透视杂志评选为亚太区“40位40岁以下优秀设计师”之一,同时被新浪家居评选为中国室内设计新势力“全国TOP10优秀青年设计师”之一;2020年被广州设计周评选为40 UNDER 40中国设计杰出青年(全国榜单);2021年受邀担任2022荷兰Frame Awards国际专家评委。



















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责任编辑:灵感设计 来源:优居视界