
佳作|1890 STUDIO 夏承龙 × 上海合生国际花园:三十载

优居视界 2024-06-28 16:13:59



Thirty years ago, the homeowner left his familiar hometown with dreams and expectations and embarked on a journey of striving in a foreign land. In these long years, after experiencing countless storms and challenges, and through unremitting efforts, I finally settled in a foreign land. 

01  The warmth of returning home


Here is the starting point for returning home. Every time you open the door, you will see photos of your grandchildren happily growing up. The warm and peaceful scene unfolds here, and the warmth and tranquility of home are perfectly interpreted at this moment.
02 Warm Public District


As soon as the entrance came, we went to the living room in the public area, which was enclosed in a cozy layout. It was a place where family members gathered together and talked about life. 

The living room space is spacious and bright, connecting the stairs with the balcony tea area, forming a free flowing and interactive area. The stairs lead people to explore unknown floors.


Beside the warm fireplace, there is a black fabric sofa, a worn back table, and the freshness in the vase adds vitality and energy. The bamboo single chair brings a hint of natural atmosphere, making people feel like they are in a cabin in the forest.

客厅与楼梯半遮挡处理,共同编织出一幅幅美丽的画卷。有时,你在楼梯上驻足,眺望着客厅的热闹与欢笑;有时,你在客厅中回望,与楼梯上下的人交流问候, 这种互望的关系,让家变得更加生动有趣。
The living room and stairs are partially covered, weaving together beautiful paintings. Sometimes, you stop on the stairs, gazing at the liveliness and laughter in the living room; Sometimes, you look back in the living room and exchange greetings with the people up and down the stairs. 

The balcony tea tasting area is a peaceful corner, with a cup of tea and a burning incense stick. In addition to being busy, come here to take a break and enjoy a peaceful and comfortable atmosphere.

03 Abundant Dining Area


In the daily dining area, the dining table is connected to the kitchen, and the wine cabinet on one side stands quietly, displaying a variety of delicious wines. On the other side, the Western kitchen dining table is fully functional.

In the main dining area, whenever family and friends visit, they can gather together, raise their glasses and enjoy a familiar meal, allowing everyone to experience the taste of home.

04 Grey Space


Slowly enter the living room from the quiet aisle, as if a painting is slowly unfolding before your eyes. The tranquility of the bedroom intersects with the liveliness of the living room here. 

The restaurant, living room, and staircase intersect here, echoing each other and borrowing scenery from each other. Smooth flow of movement allows every corner of the home to shuttle freely, whether from the restaurant to the living room, or from the living room to the stairs, one can feel a sense of relaxation and ease.

05 Vertical Movement Line

The solid wood converted staircase, like an art sculpture at home, elegantly connects the upper and lower floors; Mutual communication and exchange, whether walking downstairs or looking down at the living room, one can feel that unique understanding and harmony.

Slowly descending from the solid wood rotating staircase, one's gaze is naturally drawn to the living room sofa and TV wall. The overall design is simple yet elegant, with each step outlining a harmonious and beautiful picture.

06 Leisure and Entertainment


The carefully crafted chess and card entertainment area for female homeowners is not only an excellent place to relax and unwind, but also a playground for family and friends to gather together.
07 Living Space


The middle aisle leading to the third floor bedroom is not only a simple passage space, but also a living space. The bedroom doors on both sides of the aisle gently conceal the privacy and warmth of the home. The space in the middle is like an open living room, allowing people to freely move, talk, and rest.

08 Living Space


Swallows, like the gate of time, take the homeowner back to their distant hometown's old house. Every time I look around, it feels like I'm back to the whispers under the eaves of my childhood. The old wooden beams are more like the backbone of an old house, tough and warm, carrying the traces of time and also carrying beautiful blessings.

Under the sloping roof, wooden beams run through, not only uniquely beautiful, but also adding a sense of warmth and closeness. The wooden crossbeam is solid and stable, guarding every sweet dream like a guardian god.

The sloping roof and horizontal walnut wall panels form a stable styling relationship, adding a sense of stability to the bedroom. It is like a gentle embrace, allowing people to feel the warmth and comfort of home.

09 Bedroom


The bright yellow bedding, similar to warm sunshine, blends with the natural green outdoors. Whenever the morning sunlight passes through the curtains and sprinkles indoors, the greenery becomes like a messenger of spring, awakening the sleeping soul.

10 Others


土建阶段 Civil construction stage

硬装阶段 Hard installation stage

软装摆场 Soft decoration display

软装提案(截选)-客厅 Soft decoration proposal


项目地址 | 上海.合生国际花园

项目面积 | 400m²

设计单位 | 1890.STUDIO

本案设计 | 夏承龙

施工单位 | 上海易乐装潢

设备单位 | 大金空调、威能地暖、怡口净水

主材单位 | 欧文莱瓷砖、费罗娜瓷砖、书香门地地板、蜂鸟木坊、想天照明、LSJ艺术涂料、星计划智能、好运来铝艺、洛克可门窗、上海盘古石业、涌贤景观园艺。

软装品牌 | 知吾软装、壹集、北欧表情、木墨、叕木、云古家具、ZARA HOME、莉莉白。


1890 STUDIO 创始人/设计总监

2022 金腾奖公益设计类 金奖

2022 CIID 中国室内设计商业方案类 银奖

2022 营造家年度最佳适老化住宅设计奖

2022 设计头条年鉴榜TOP100

2022 PCHOUSE AWARD 中国私宅年度评选全国榜 TOP100

2021 红棉中国设计奖 年度最美极简空间设计奖

2020 好好住营造家年度推荐设计师/设计机构

2020  书香门地美学设计大赛全国TOP 1

2020 第十四届 红棉中国设计奖 室内设计类

2019 第九届筑巢奖


1890 STUDIO,成立于合肥的设计工作室,我们倡导用建筑思维规划空间,用艺术美学营造生活,坚持做有温度的空间,有爱的设计,不流于形式,不浮于表面,不为效果而效果;从居者内心出发,用当代设计手法赋予每个空间最真实的情感表达,为居者创造一种专属的生活方式。

1890 STUDIO, a design studio founded in Hefei, advocates the rational planning of space with architectural thinking, the emotional creation of life with artistic aesthetics, based on functions, emotional ties, and guided by real aesthetics. Starting from the hearts of residents, we use contemporary design techniques to give each space the most authentic emotional expression, creating a unique way of life for residents.

责任编辑:灵感设计 来源:优居视界