

优居视界 2019-04-25 16:35:43


At 9 o’clock local time on March 12th, the third 100 million-sold Haier refrigerator was removed from the production line in a Haier Russia factory. It was a 2m tall high-capacity Internet refrigerator designed and manufactured by a local Haier factory, it also had foldable shelf and wine rack.



During 9 years after the first 100 million-sold Haier refrigerator was removed from production line, Haier not only realized a quantitative change from “1” to “3”, but also completed a qualitative improvement from hardware refrigerators to smart refrigerators, and then to modern "ecological refrigerators". The removal of the third 100 million-sold refrigerator witnessed the development of Haier from the era of traditional 1.0 to the era of smart 2.0, and then to the era of ecological 3.0, and also represented the revolution of the industry. According to experts, this marked that Haier had established its ecological transformation milestone in global refrigerator industry and turned from a product brand into an ecological brand which focuses on users’ lifestyles.


In the era of traditional 1.0, refrigerator was a hardware used for storing foods and fresh storage function was its core. Haier researched and developed the first refrigerator with inverter in China and then refrigerators with light generators, constantly increased world freshness maintaining level of refrigerators. With the fast development of the Internet, global refrigerator industry entered the era of smart 2.0. After creating Internet refrigerator, Haier launched the whole kitchen with refrigerator as center, successfully moved its concentration from single smart product to smart kitchen. Since the second 100 million-sold refrigerator was removed from production line, smart kitchen accelerated the development of Haier in the era of smart 2.0.


With the rapid development of new technologies, such as AI and 5G, the Internet of Things is integrating the physical world with the virtual world at a high speed, and building a new ecological system has become a new essence of the era. While the industry is exploring kitchen with linked products, Haier centers in refrigerator, connects over 100 resource parties under 7 categories, generates the ecology of linked foods and plays a leading role in refrigerator industry in the era of ecological 3.0. On one hand, the ecology of linked foods, supported by AI big data and other technologies, actively provides services to its users on aspects of smart cooking, smart fresh storage and smart health; on the other hand, through cooperation among resource parties, the ecology of linked foods realizes linked full-ecological scenes, such as healthy resources, safe foods and etc.


After the third 100 million-sold refrigerator was removed from production line, Haier bases on high-end technologies and will popularize and launch its smart refrigerator-centered ecology of linked foods in the whole world. According to an analysis, this means that Haier has changed from a leading traditional product brand into a leading ecological brand, and has promoted the transformation of global household appliance industry with its new ecological milestone.

责任编辑:昆明 来源:优居视界