

优居视界 2022-01-04 14:54:41

Francesc Rifé Studio新作,位于巴塞罗那郊区一处住宅,设计师大量运用原木与白色结合,打造具有疗愈感而质朴舒适的心灵庇护所。

Francesc Rife Studio, located in the suburb of Barcelona a residence, stylist USES log combined with white, a large number of creating a sense of healing and plain comfortable heart shelter.

Francesc Rifé Studio团队对细节十分考究,小到一个门把手,大到墙面勾缝,而这个家则将这一特质做到极致,这也是Francesc Rifé Studio的极简主义设计被全世界所喜爱的原因。

Francesc Rife Studio team to detail very fastidious, small to a doorknob, pointing to metope, while this house will be the quality supremely well, this is also Francesc Rife Studio's minimalist design is enjoyed by all over the world.

为了让设计更纯粹,做到门上口无框,是Francesc Rifé Studio常用的手法,实际上对工艺要求极高,而地面材质变化处,一般也没有过门石或者衔接材质;无踢脚线,并且墙面离地保持一致且细小的留缝,也是设计团队对于设计与细节极致追求的表现。

In order to make design more pure, accomplish a flowing frameless door, is Francesc Rife Studio common design gimmick, in fact the design of high technical requirements, and the ground material change, generally no stone door or cohesive materials, and design team for the performance of the design details and ultimate pursuit.


责任编辑:张桥榕 来源:优居视界