

优居视界 2022-04-12 15:55:28

Thirty Anderson位于墨尔本南亚拉皇家植物园周边,是萨迪凯集团的收藏中的一部分,而顶层公寓是该收藏中的一颗明珠。著名现代主义建筑师勒柯布西耶和路易斯康的作品以及他们对创造幸福家园的真挚愿景让Rob Mills Architecture & Interiors的设计总监Rob Mills深受启发,并对其设计产生了强烈的影响。
Thirty Anderson is located on the perimeter of the Royal Botanic Gardens in South Yarra, Melbourne, and is part of the Sadikay Group's plant collection, while the penthouse is a jewel in the collection. Rob Mills, director of Architecture and Interior Design Rob Mills cites the work of renowned modernist architects Le Corbusier and Louis Kahn as a strong influence on his design, as well as their sincere desire to create a place that fosters happiness.

Large skylights bring natural light into the building, while floor-to-ceiling Windows and doors capture large treetops and open sky. Double-height steel-framed glass doors soften each transition through a light and fragile form, while enhancing the volume of this penthouse. The space feels both generous and inclusive, encouraging slowness of thought and movement.

The project features a serene tone, richly textured natural stone, grey and silver tones, polished plaster walls and more. Carpets and light, flowing fabrics provide softness, while wood floors and matching joinery provide a continuous, soothing effect. Wooden floors, provided and installed by Storey, extend from the front to the back, contributing to the cohesive experience inside.

平静的环境对于健康的生活是非常重要的。Thirty Anderson遵循精心设计的原则,融合了无形的、舒缓的自然效果。室内选用的材料与建筑的形式保持一致,旨在保持二者间的直接联系。公寓中的一切似乎都在平静地流动着,为住户提供了一种独特的体验。
If you want to live in a healthy and good environment, a calm environment is very important. The Thirty Anderson Penthouse follows the principles of carefully honed design, integrating intangible, soothing natural effects. The materials chosen for the interior are consistent with the form of the building, which is intended to maintain a direct connection. It's a unique experience; It seems to flow, but it feels calm. 


责任编辑:李兆兰 来源:优居视界