

优居视界 2022-04-22 18:43:46

Ben Mooney 于2020年初签署了这栋建于19世纪80年代房子的租约,这栋房子位于科林伍德一家商店上方。这处被称为 Ma House 的房子既是 Ben 的家,也是用来拍摄照片和举办活动的出租空间。他说以商业条款签署一份为期三年的租约很可怕,但却是他做过的决定。

Ben Mooney signed the lease in early 2020 for the 1880s house above a store in Collingwood. Known as the Ma House, the house is both Ben's home and rental space for photo shoots and events. He said signing a three-year lease on commercial terms was scary but the best decision he had ever made.


Ben 被这个空间的高天花板、灵活的布局、户外区域和古怪的拱门所吸引。所有其他房间都由摇摇晃晃的拱门连接起来。它们给人感觉仍然像是分开的房间,但却能创造每一个小景观。

Ben was drawn to the space's high ceilings, flexible layout, outdoor areas and quirky arches. All other rooms are connected by rickety arches. They still feel like separate rooms, but create every little landscape.

有了商业租赁合同,Ben 可以自由地拆墙、取下窗户上的栅栏、粉刷地板、拆除厨房门上的橱柜,创造出开放式的搁架。他有寻找有趣物件的诀窍,以达到他所说的“折衷舒适”的外观。不拘泥于特定的审美。相反,他只是收集他天生喜欢的作品。当你的家充满自己喜欢的东西搭配在一起,总是会很自然。

With a commercial lease, Ben is free to tear down walls, remove fences from windows, paint floors, remove cabinets from kitchen doors, and create open shelving. He has a knack for finding interesting objects to achieve what he calls an "eclectic comfort" look. Don't stick to a particular aesthetic. Instead, he just collects pieces that he naturally likes. It always comes naturally when your home is full of your favorite things that go together.

空间估计95%的家具都是二手的,来自各种淘货市场。“我对家具有种第六感。大部分时间都在浏览 e Bay 和 Facebook,但我的浏览速度非常快。我只需一毫秒就能认出一件好作品。”

Space estimates that 95% of the furniture is second-hand, sourced from various marketplaces. “I have a sixth sense for furniture. I browse eBay and Facebook most of the time, but I browse very fast. It only takes me a millisecond to recognize a good piece.”


他也不怕在旅行中占用贵重的行李空间,因为他知道他收集的东西将永远被珍惜。Ben 说:“带着一套餐具在欧洲待上三周其实是糟糕的事情,但一旦我把它带回家,它就永远在我身边了。” “你可以买双鞋,或者去吃顿大餐,然后就完事了。不过,我还有一些五岁时在旧货拍卖会上买的东西,至今仍能给我带来快乐。”

He's also not afraid to take up valuable luggage space while traveling, knowing that what he collects will be treasured forever. "It's actually the worst thing to be in Europe for three weeks with a set of cutlery, but once I bring it home, it's with me forever," Ben said. "You can buy a pair of shoes, or go eat. A big meal and it’s over. Still, I have some things I bought at a thrift auction when I was five years old that still bring me joy.”


“ 你可以从这扇窗户看到整个城市,看到下面史密斯街的熙熙攘攘。我现在有点宅,但家门口的这些氛围还是让我有一种归属感。”

"You can see the whole city from this window and see the bustling of Smith Street below. I'm a bit of a house now, but the vibe on my doorstep still gives me a sense of belonging."



The only challenge he faces now is finding a place for everything. The apartment has enough chairs for 40 people, and he constantly rearranges the room in Tetris-like fashion to achieve the perfect furnishing configuration.


"You don't have to be a designer to love designing your home. We get so much nourishment from our family... Surrounding you with things you love and that make you happy. I love that now people love more Their home - their home is more thoughtful and organized. I'm not an interior designer and have never worked in the field, but I'm glad someone like me is featured in a publication like this."


"I love this interesting door, I don't know why it has this shape, but it's really a great architectural relic from an interesting renovation in the 1970s."

“这所房子建于1880年左右,并不是一直都有现在的平面图规划。我的卧室曾经是一条走廊,我床后面的拱门用来盖住隔开房间的灰泥拱门。” Ben 说。

“The house was built around 1880 and didn’t always have the current floor plan. My bedroom used to be a hallway, and the arch behind my bed was used to cover the stucco arch that separated the rooms,” says Ben.

有户外空间及植物是非常重要的!在某种程度上使人放松,所以这个花园的存在尤为重要。Ben 的朋友是庭院设计师,他建议挑选了一些能在炎热多风的地方生长的植物。“这些水盆还可以作为我的小狗 Goody 的喝水碗。”

Having outdoor space and plants is very important! Relaxing in a way, so the presence of this garden is especially important. Ben's friend, a landscaper, suggested picking plants that would grow in hot, windy places. "These water bowls also serve as drinking bowls for my puppy Goody."


这栋房子在中的大多数时候都有美的光线,在这样一个美丽的地方,如果整天空着没人喜欢简直太荒唐了。所以才会有 Ma house 这个可出租拍摄的概念。“我喜欢人们喜欢在这里拍摄,它给了我如此多的信心和能量,让我相信自己能做自己想做的工作。”

The house has the most beautiful light for most of the day, and in such a beautiful place, it would be absurd that no one would like to be in the sky all day. That's why there is the concept of Ma house, which can be rented for shooting. "I love that people love to shoot here, it gives me so much confidence and energy to believe that I can do the work I want to do."


责任编辑:张桥榕 来源:优居视界