

优居视界 2023-08-04 17:29:24





Tapestry Collection by Hilton at Tufu Bay, Hainan, is the first resort destination on Hainan Island for Hilton's lifestyle brand, Tapestry Collection by Hilton. The hotel is located in LingShui Tufu Bay, covering an indoor area of approximately 12,000 square meters, with 116 rooms and suites. It features four trendy restaurants and bars, a beach library, an outdoor swimming pool, as well as over 780 square meters of meeting space and more than 1,300 square meters of outdoor lawn.




The design of the hotel is inspired by a romantic legend about a local fisherman named "Afu" and a mermaid, combining the fishing village culture and natural beauty of Tufu Bay to create a new experience of a "modern and tranquil paradise." According to the legend, a long time ago, the people living in the bay were poor until a young man named "Afu" rescued a mermaid trapped in a wooden box while fishing at sea. In gratitude for saving her life, the mermaid wanted to help Afu fulfill his wishes. Afu hoped that the people in the bay could live a prosperous life. His simplicity and kindness deeply touched the mermaid, so she gave Afu a radiant golden bowl. As long as he gently tapped the bowl three times and silently said "mermaid" in his heart while fishing at sea, the fish would come in abundance. Since then, the mermaid and Afu lived happily in this tranquil place, leading the people in the bay to a comfortable and abundant life. More and more people came here, believing it to be a place of happiness and prosperity bestowed by nature, a gathering place of blessings. In order to commemorate the mermaid and Afu, future generations named this bay "Tufu Bay," which has been used to this day. The hotel showcases this captivating story through exquisite designs from various aspects, paying tribute to the local customs and culture of Tufu Bay.




The entire hotel here transforms into every bit of this love story. Hotel Lobby outlines a marvelous underwater wonderland. In the pure and rustic charm of the Bay Fisherman's Village. The lobby incorporates the mermaid's memories of her underwater home, with pearls and stars cascading from the sky,





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沙滩图书馆旨在体现:“无界” ,这一人与自然的关系。一道透明的墙,让内外咫尺交流。沙滩围坐、幔帐拂过,与海无界,畅心而谈。美人鱼与阿福,生活在这片以海为背景的梦境画面之中。与天同窗,与海同境。地间纯净如画,唯有真爱与自然永恒弥新。


The Beach Library aims to embody the boundless relationship between humans and nature. A transparent wall facilitates seamless communication between the interior and exterior. Sitting on the beach, with curtains brushing by, one can freely converse with the sea. Mermaids and Afu live within this dreamlike seascape. With windows to the sky and the sea, their surroundings merge as one. The setting is as pure as a painting, where only true love and nature remain eternally renewed.







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全日制餐厅旨在打造一座与海无界的“ 海上浮岛 ”,这里不仅有着疍家人传统船船相连的“渔排”盛景,更是渔村百姓呈现收获海洋珍稀美味的胜地。夜晚星光点亮海平面,呈现出海天一色的动人景象。大家将捕获的珍稀贝壳在这里或铺排或串联高挂。一个个犹如金碗的贝壳,唯美壮观形成陈列奇境。重现美人鱼“三声敲击,鱼儿自来 ”的美好祝福,为渔村带来好运与富足。


The All-Day Dining Restaurant seeks to create a "sea-floating island" without boundaries. It showcases a traditional scene of interconnected fishing boats and fish traps, a place where villagers present the bountiful ocean delicacies they have harvested. At night, stars illuminate the horizon, creating a breathtaking sea and sky view. Rare shells captured are displayed high, either arranged or strung together, Each shell resembles a golden bowl, forming a beautiful and spectacular exhibition. Recreating the mermaid's blessing of "three taps, fish come forth," it brings good fortune and abundance to the fishing village.



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The Chinese Restaurant's main theme revolves around "sailing far to seek rare and delicious treasures from the deep sea." Drawing inspiration from the villagers' hardworking and resilient life, the restaurant creates a beautiful and abundant bay scene. Entering the restaurant feels like witnessing fishing boats sailing on the blue sea. The villagers' courage to challenge the deep sea and their industrious and brave qualities, making them fearless of storms, constantly exploring and receiving more gifts from the ocean for their families and loved ones.



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以“谧境渔村”来作为客房设计的主题。珍珠莹润,贝壳自在,给人温润的空间力量。 客房在细节设计中加入了情感的演绎,简单,纯粹,触动旅人心弦。蓝色的透,白色的纯......无限的激发了旅人的想象力,在这一湾静谧之地感受博大海洋的温暖力量。


The guest rooms are designed with the theme of "Tranquil Fishing Village." Pearl-like luster and the freedom of seashells create a warm and serene space. Emotional elements are woven into the details of the room design, simple, pure, and touching the hearts of travelers. Blue transparency, white purity, endless inspiration ignites the imagination of the guests. People can feel the warm power of the vast ocean in this tranquil bay.












As you step into this bay paradise, you will discover the charming ancestry of fishing. Beautiful legends bestow a natural power to the bay, creating a prosperous and wonderful paradise with boundless abundance of life.



责任编辑:灵感设计 来源:优居视界